The city of Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski, Poland
The next stop in StrawArtowa’s journey through Polish cities is Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski. Here it would be difficult to complain about the lack of interesting objects to photograph 🙂 It is enough to mention the two most important and the most spectacular, both restored, both delightful, i.e. the Ostrowiecki Browar Kultury and the Tarnowskich Palace hotel. Ostrowiecki Browar Kultury, now form has been operating since 2019 in the revitalized buildings of the former Browar Saski. It houses, inter alia, the Municipal Cultural Center and the ICC Photo Gallery, the Municipal Public Library and the Artistic Exhibitions Office, as well as the artistic cafe “Change of Climate”. Browar Saskich under the original name of Browar Kielecki, was built in 1908, and in 1937 renamed Browar Świętokrzyski. The impressive building has over a hundred years of history. It was recognized as the best modernization of the country in 2020. It actually makes an impression. And bathed in lovely autumn colors, it delights. The second object worth admiring is the Tarnowski Palace, which now houses an exclusive hotel and SPA. Because I had the pleasure to photograph the Palace in its entirety, both the building, the entire property and interiors, a link to the gallery … I will also add here … as soon as I manage to post it on the website 😉 So, more about the Palace itself can be found at the opportunity to publish a photo gallery dedicated to this beautiful object.
Pictures: Straw Art, Katarzyna Slomka
Customer of the photo session: KAES
Location: Ostrowiec Swietokrzyski